Art fair Philippines 2017

     Art Fair Philippines 2017 was held last 16-19 February, 2017 at the Link Ayala Center Makati City. One of Philippine's premiere platform for exhibiting and selling modern and contemporary visual arts. It is one of the outlets that could help our local independent studios and artists to gain attention from the International Art Circuit. 
     Founded last 2013 and now on it's 5th edition they have nurtured the creativity of our local artist community and still attracting more youth to appreciate our own and take pride with our own talents. This is my second time visiting the art fair again with my Former Lady boss Ms. Inna who happened to introduced me with the deeper understanding of art.

     ArtFairPh/Tours offers guided tours of the art fair as well as visits to museums within the Metro Manila accessible through  transportation provided from The Link to the National Museum of the Philippines, Ayala Museum, Vargas Museum, Lopez Memorial
Museum and Library, Ateneo Art Gallery, Cultural Center of the Philippines, Metropolitan Museum of Manila and Museum of Contemporary Art and Design.
     Visiting this kind of events once in a while is a good experience for us learning and appreciating other peoples hard work and meet lots of people with innovative and creative mind. There will also be a time that a certain art work might find that attachment with you like what I always feel every time I step in an art gallery, it's like a whole lot of new space to explore and search for yourself. 
"These glowing mirror quotations really entertained us"

More Art Exhibits

" Gusto ko ng Tinapay! vs. Gusto namin ng Tinapay!"
featuring Ms. Inna and Me

The collective known as WSK from the Filipino word WASAK which means "shattered" they have the most unique and very innovative art collection which I really like from the Sound wall which produces different sound and tunes once you made contact with the surface.

Art Fair Visitors doing their own Ballpoint pen and watercolor Art and being showcased through a projector for the publics eye at the Garapata Section.

Other Art Projects from the Fair, I would really love to share more photos but it was really hard to choose and decide which art works to go in here because they are all so good, much better if you could visit the next year's fair and experience it yourself.



 Ticket Prices are as follow
Php 250.00 - Entrance Fee
Php 50.00 - Students with valid IDs
FREE - Makati Student with valid IDs
Art Fair also offers Tours and Talks for the speaker list next year's fair you have to check their website and you can also book your reservation for the tours at

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